Credit Rating of the Company improved to AA3 from A1 on 03.06.2021, which is the highest rating achieved till date.
Start of Import Handling at Muktarpur Terminal on 14.07.2018 1st container vessel movement from Kolkata Garden Reach Terminal, India on 30.10.2018 1st passenger vessel movement from Kolkata Garden Reach Terminal, India on 01.04.2019
As a Non-Gov. Institute, SAPL achieved the Highest Holding Tax Payer Certificate in Chattogram City Corporation at fiscal year 2017-18.
Rights Share Offered of 34,352,466 Ordinary Shares of Tk.10.00 each issuing at Tk. 15.00 each, including a premium of Tk. 5.00 per share.
Crossed 100,000 TEUs in Export volume handling
BOI clearance received for Foreign Loan of USD 30.51 Million on 29.04.2014
Crossed 200,000 TEUs in total container handling
Off-Dock company in the private sector.
Approval of Prospectus from Bangladesh Shares through Initial Public Offer (IPO)
Customs clearance of Fly Ash was initiated for the first time through bill of entry direct opening L/C for SAPL, Muktarpur in 2022-23 and Customs Station Cleared 5,48,620 MT of fly ash through 568 vessels in this financial year.
Credit Rating of the Company further improved to AA2 to AA3 on 21.03.2022 which is the highest rating achieved till date. Handled Export cargo of USD 10bn+ value, comprising of 19.75% of the Country’s Total Export in 2021-22
SAPL Muktarpur Terminal received permission from NBR on 25.11.2020 for handling Bulk & Break-Bulk cargo, becoming the only such private facility to offer this service in the Greater Dhaka area.
Muktarpur Terminal declared “Extended Port of Call” on Indo-Bangladesh Protocol (IBP) water routes on 20.05.2019.
Handed over Garden Reach Terminal in Kolkata, India to SAPL on 30.10.2018
SAPL received Letter Of Award (LOA) from Inland Waterway Authority of India for Operation and Maintenance for Inland Waterway Transport Terminals namely Kolkata Garden Reach Terminal, Gaighat Terminal and Proposed Kalughat Terminal at Patna for a period of 30 years.
1st export by river ways in the country's history and the 1st export container consolidation at River Terminal (H&M).
1st tranche of Foreign Loan of USD 17.50 million (equivalent to BDT 1,373,750,000/-) disbursed on 29.12.2015
Term Sheet signed with Nederlandse FinancieringsMaatschappij Voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V. (FMO) and Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) for Foreign Loan of USD 20.51 Million and USD 10.00 Million respectively.
Agreement signed with Green Delta Capital Limited for rendering services as Arranger for Foreign Currency Denominated Syndicated Term Loan Facility for the company's River Terminal project
Acquired Ocean Containers Limited through merger with the sanction of the Honorable High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh.
Awarded Global Security Verification (GSV) Certificate. Published by the U.S. Bureau of Customs and Boarder Protection
Approval for denomination of Share value to Tk. 10 from Bangladesh Securities & Exchange Commission
Acquired approximately 100% shares of Ocean Containers Limited, the country's pioneer
Acquired approximately 100% shares of Cemcor Limited
Conversion from Private to Public Limited Company
Securities & Exchange Commission for raising of 10 Million Ordinary
First trading in Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited and Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited